Saturday, February 19, 2011

I Thank God

I was waiting in line by the glass doors of the church last night, when a dog showed up. It was a pit bull the size of Lexi, but this one had a slightly shorter nose. It was brindle colored all over, and it came right up to the front door and looked in the glass.

I asked the guy nearest the dog if it was his, and he said no it wasn't. Then I watched as the dog made it's way to a group behind us. I asked if any of them owned the dog, and they didn't know who it belonged to. Then Jeremy stepped forward and pointed across the overhang area and told me that the dog belonged to "that lady over there."

I knelt down and the dog came right to me. I petted her face and body as people commented all around on the pup. I herd one voice say it was a male. I didn't think so, and as I looked at her hind end she was confirmed to me as a female.

My heart jumped for a slight second, but my hands just reached out and rubbed the girl down on the sides of her body, the way I used to do for Lexi. I knew what I was doing, and I did it anyway. I poured out my love for Lexi on that dog, and it felt good. For a short moment in my day, yesterday, Lexi and I were together again.

The dog's name was Brini (short for brindle), she was staying in a minivan in the parking lot. I got Brini some water and said goodnight to her. When I went to sleep, I thanked God for the kind miracle he performed on my behalf. Thank you, Lord.

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